Psychological effects in childhood after sexual abuse

Rafael Nuñez y Rafael Nuñez Aponte Psychological effects in childhood after sexual abuse

Sexual abuse in childhood has devastating effects on the psyche of the child or adolescent, regardless of the age at which the assault occurs.

The importance of the complaint

Rafael Nuñez y Rafael Nuñez Aponte Psychological effects in childhood after sexual abuse

Currently, considerable progress has been made with the importance of the complaint, although there are still many important obstacles to carrying it out. When the environment does not believe the child or silences him without carrying out the complaint at the time it occurs, it aggravates the situation of the minor, and that cataclysm in the psyche makes itself heard.

The magnitude of the impact caused by a sexual assault on the child’s psyche can be graphed as a tsunami or an earthquake, and we imagine the child’s psyche after the abuse equal to the space after these natural phenomena occur.

When a child dares to speak, the reaction of the environment will be fundamental in overcoming this trauma, because there is a possibility that the child may feel protected and the wounds he carries may begin to heal.

As for the signs or symptoms, a list of the same effects in all victims can be made.

Abuse fundamentally compromises:

  • The idea of ​​the future.
  • The idea of ​​how that child is going to build his bond with the others.
  • Trust in the other.
  • The possibility of feeling safe in spaces, among others.