New Forms of School Bullying: How to Address Harassment in the Digital Age


School bullying is a problem that has existed for a long time, but with the advent of technology and social media, it has evolved and a number of new forms of bullying have emerged. Bullying in the digital age can be just as harmful as traditional bullying, and it is essential that educators, parents and the community at large are informed and prepared to address these new manifestations of bullying. In this article, we will explore some of the new forms of school bullying and provide effective strategies to prevent and combat bullying in the digital environment.

Cyberbullying: online harassment

Cyberbullying refers to harassment that occurs through online platforms, such as social media, instant messaging, and email. Abusers use these tools to send hate messages, defame, share humiliating images or videos, and harass their victims. It is essential to educate students about the dangers of cyberbullying and foster a culture of respect and empathy online.


Sexting and the non-consensual dissemination of images

Sexting, the sending of explicit sexual messages or images, has become a worrying practice among adolescents. When these images are shared without the consent of the person involved, it becomes a form of bullying known as “non-consensual sharing of images.” It is important to educate young people about the risks of sexting and the importance of consent in all online interactions.


Trolling and harassment in forums and comments

Trolling refers to the practice of provoking and harassing other users in online forums, social media comments, and discussion sections. Trolls deliberately seek to generate conflict and cause emotional distress to their victims. It is essential to teach students how to identify and confront trolls, and promote a safe and respectful online environment.



Social exclusion and ostracism on social networks

Social networks can also be used as tools of social exclusion and ostracism. Students may be excluded from online groups, tagged in humiliating posts, or deliberately ignored in online interactions. It is important to foster a culture of inclusion and respect on all digital platforms and provide support to students who experience social exclusion.



Grooming and online handling

Grooming involves an adult gaining the trust of a minor online with the aim of sexually exploiting or harassing them. Bullies use manipulative tactics to gain the trust of young people and then abuse them emotionally, psychologically or physically. It is imperative to teach students about the dangers of grooming and encourage open communication about their experiences online.



School bullying has evolved in the digital age, introducing new forms of harassment that can have a devastating impact on students. To address this problem, it is essential that educators, parents and the community at large are informed and take preventive measures. This involves educating students about the dangers of cyberbullying, sexting and trolling, promoting a culture of respect and empathy online, and encouraging open communication to detect and address any form of harassment. Only through a joint effort can we create safe and bullying-free school environments in the digital age.


“What is cyberbullying and how to prevent it” – Source: “Sexting and non-consensual dissemination of images: how to protect adolescents” – Source: https://

“How to deal with trolls online” – Source:

“Tips to prevent social exclusion on social networks” – Source:

“Grooming: how to protect children and adolescents from online manipulation” – Source:


“Preventing school bullying in the digital age” – Source: