What exactly defines a pedophile?
A pedophile is an adult who is sexually attracted to a child or children.
In the DSM-III, the American Psychiatric Association contended that merely acting upon one’s urges toward children was considered sufficient to generate a diagnosis of pedophilia. But then a few years later, in the DSM-IV, the APA changed its criteria so that a person who molested children was considered to have a psychiatric disorder only if his actions “caused clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning.” In other words, a man who molested children without remorse, and without experiencing significant impairment in his social and work relationships, could be diagnosed by a clinician as a “psychologically normal” type of pedophile.
Challenged by NARTH to defend the change, the APA stated categorically that it had, in fact, no intention of normalizing pedophilia. However, “man-boy love” advocates cheered that DSM shift as good news.
Though, the CPIU still believes that pedophilia is much more than a preference. In fact, the CPIU strongly believes that pedophilia is a psychological disorder despite what the DSM may or may not decide.
However, all pedophiles are not child predators, to be a pedophile does not mean that you actively seek children. In fact, some pedophiles even admit that their urges are a result of a psychological disorder and seek help for this problem. Though, there are some pedophiles who have an additional psychological problem, the inability to control themselves, the failure to determine right from wrong, or just carelessness on what is right or wrong. With the lack of this moral foundation they become predators. These pedophiles now seek sexual encounters with children.
Child predators come in all levels of intelligence, in every race, in every height, and in every age. There is no way to identify them from the next, other than their desire to commit horrific acts on children. Some predators are bolder and braver than others. Some hide behind their computer lurking in chat rooms trying to lure children in. Others kidnap them from their own homes. To learn how to protect children from these types of pedophiles, view our Child Safety section.
Protecting Your Loved Ones.
Most Childhood Sexual Abuse Occurs With Someone A Child Has An Established & Trusting Relationship With
Convicted Sex Offenders Tell Us…”Parents are so naive-they’re worried about strangers and should be worried about their brother-in-law. They just don’t realize how devious we can be.” “Know that we will use any way we can to get to children”.
“The best offense is a great defense. Understand the dynamics of childhood sexual abuse and you and your children will be safer.”
Laura A. Ahearn, C.S.W.
Parents For Megan’s Law
The Apple Of My Eye Trick
The first trick is named after Laura Ahearn’s new book coming soon “The Apple Of My Eye” This trick is top on her list for the most insidious of all tricks because predators use the same innocent vulnerablity we strive to protect in our children for purposes of methodically gaining their trust by giving special attention to them so they can eventually sexually abuse them. All children want love, attention and affection this is why they are particularly vulnerable to those who are experts at grooming them to lead to their eventual sexual abuse.
Accidental Touching Trick
Children are often unaware that an accidental touching may be intentional or may be an offender attempting to touch closer to genitalia the next time.
Assistance Lure Trick
Offenders may ask a child for help with directions or carrying packages. One convicted offender stated that he liked to hang around kiddie hamburger restaurant bathrooms. He would abuse young boys under the guise of helping them with their zippers.
Another type of assistance lure may be an offender who senses a role he might play by assisting a family with children. His assistance might be needed for babysitting or for driving a child to activities. Watch for those who are more interested in your child than you, there is a reason.
Authority Trick
Many of us have taught our children to respect authority without realizing that individuals who target our children take advantage of their position such as a teacher, coach, religious or club leader.
Desensitize Trick
Offenders may continually talk to children about sex or use pornography to demonstrate sexual acts. They may arouse a child*s curiosity by leaving sexual material and aids around where they may see them.
Drug & Alcohol Trick
Drugs or alcohol can be used to incapacitate a child making them highly vulnerable to sexual abuse.
Emergency Trick Crisis can be confusing for young children and offenders count on that so they construct an emergency to lure children.
Fame Trick Promises are made to make the child a movie star.
Friendship Trick
Older children may bribe a younger child (or same age) by saying that they will not be their friend anymore unless they participatein a sexual act.
Games Trick
Body contact games such as wrestling are played where touching genitalia is part of the rules.
Hero Trick / Special Privileges Trick
(Coach/Teacher/Person In A Position Of Authority)
Children are often impressed with those individuals they look up to such as those in a position of authority like a coach, teacher, older cousin. They may endure abuse to maintain a relationship where they are receiving special privileges for fear of losing those privileges.
“I Know You” Trick
Do not write your child*s name on the outside of any of their clothing or items they use outside of their home such as umbrellas or lunchboxes. This gives the offender an opportunity to make your child feel as though they know them.
Internet Trick
The internet has become a preying ground for sex offenders trying to lure victims. Offenders will try to get specific information from your child without directly asking for it. For example they may ask if your child plays on sports teams which would eventually lead to a discussion of where your child played these games. Ultimately, they want to try to set up a meeting. Predators on the internet may also transmit pornography to your child.
Job Trick
Promises of high paying jobs easily influence young adults into meeting individuals in questionable places for interviews where they may be sexually abused. Young children may be offered high pay for odd jobs inside an offenders house where they too may be sexually abused.
Legitimacy Trick
There are a few organizations that promote sexual relations with children and attempt to legitimize this activity. Those offenders may attempt to convince a child that sex with an adult is a legitimate activity.
Outing Trick
Offender is continually attempting to take a child out alone for special trips or outings and insists that no one else attend. A pediatrician in New York who was convicted of sexually abusing many of his patients would take them away for the weekend quite often. Parents trusted him because he was well liked and perceived as the pillar of the community.
Pet Trick
Similar to the assistance lure, the offender may ask a child to help find his lost dog. They may carry props such as a photo of a dog and a leash.
Teaching Trick
Assistance is offered to a family to help teach a child a sport or how to play a musical instrument, often without cost. Parents from across the nation have also informed that sexual predators may be working as driving school instructors.
Threat Trick Children may be threatened into cooperation and further silenced. Once the abuse has taken place, they threaten to expose the child either to their parents or to their friends. The offender may threaten the abused child into recruiting other children.
Costume Trick
Most volunteers who dress up as clowns, cartoon characters or as Santa Claus during the holiday season are not pedophiles attempting to access children. However, you should always be aware that there are pedophiles who would do anything to get at kids.