Clave A Project: Training professionals in the prevention of child sexual abuse

Rafael Nuñez y Rafael Nuñez Aponte Clave A Project Training professionals in the prevention of child sexual abuse

Spain is launching the «Clave A» project, which will provide training to more than 1,000 professionals already registered in the Canary Islands, who are related to work with children and adolescents.

How does this project work?

Rafael Nuñez y Rafael Nuñez Aponte Clave A Project Training professionals in the prevention of child sexual abuse

Among the achievements of the Investigating Court number 3 is that of reducing the time it takes to carry out a pre-constituted test on a minor, the creation of a specific kit designed for children to take DNA samples, putting an end to the “institutional abuse” that it existed before for girls, with the development of the branch of pediatrics and forensic gynecology.

The professionals who are in permanent contact with the children generate bonds of trust to be able to tell them what is happening, and provide them with all the possible instruments to facilitate the communication of this situation through signs or drawings such as those promoted by this project.

The training course planned within the program is cross-cutting training designed to:

  • Help detect situations of abuse.
  • Know how to deal with them.
  • Prevent them in such a way that they can accompany the minor and not become victims.

Most cases of sexual abuse are detected by the child’s teacher who notices the child withdrawn, sad, with a different behavior, so it is important to maintain good communication with children as well as observation to detect changes.